Texas Unicorn Mantis
Pseudovates chlorophaea
Texas Unicorn Mantis Information & Care
Location: Native to southern USA, Mexico, Central America
Care: Easy to care for! They generally need warm, humid conditions to thrive. The enclosure should be lightly misted once a day. Adequate ventilation is a must.
Breeding: Relatively easy to breed in captivity with a hatch rate after 6 weeks of 30-50 nymphs from each ootheca.
Behavior: This is an absolutely beautiful native species right here in the US! They are a larger mantis, and quite hardy in my experience. They are known for their super cool “horn” bump right on top of their head. As adults, they have beautiful green wings and almost striped looking legs. This is a fairly docile species that does prefer flying prey when possible.
Texas Unicorn Mantis Caresheet
Feeding: i1-i3, fruit flies, i4-adult, flies (house, green bottle, blue bottle), roaches
Misting/Humidity: Light misting daily, 40-50%
Temperature: 73-85F
Size: 75mm
Lifespan: 10-16 months
Difficulty: Easy-Intermediate