Panther Mantis
Tarachodula pantherina
Panther Mantis Information & Care
Location: From Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia primarily found on trees.
Care: This species loves to “hug” flat surfaces such as bark or cork, so make sure to include some kind thicker perch in the enclosure. Fairly hardy species that can take a range of temps and humidity.
Breeding: Relatively easy to breed in captivity with a hatch rate of 30-50 nymphs on average.
Behavior: The panther mantis is known for his adorable, huge eyes- they are almost cartoonish looking. They are an extremely fast and aggressive hunters, so not recommended to keep communally. Powerful arms snatch up their prey instantly and are not afraid to tackle large insects compared to their size. These are fast mantis and do not like being handled.
Panther Mantis Caresheet
Feeding: i1-i3, fruit flies, i4-adult, flies (house, green bottle, blue bottle), roaches
Misting/Humidity: Light misting daily, 60-80%
Temperature: 72-80F
Size: 50mm
Lifespan: 8-10 months
Difficulty: Intermediate