Our Story
Welcome to the beautiful world of our praying mantids.
In 2019, it all started when I was gardening and found a California mantis ooth or “egg-sack” in my garden. I looked up how to take care of it and before I knew it, about 200 nymphs or babies hatched out of it! This fascinated me and I wanted to learn more. I read articles, read books, and even bought some of my own exotic mantises from other websites to keep and learn about. A couple years later, I had a collection of them and I bred my first California mantis. It was so cool to watch and do, I wanted to breed some of the other exotic species that I had. Then I had so many nymphs! I made a flyer for them and posted it on Facebook. Within the next hour, I had ten buyers and was sold out the next day. I kept breeding some more and made a different flyer for another species to see what would happen a second time and everyone loved it again! It was mostly moms buying low maintenance pets for their kids over COVID-19. (Female mantises live about two years as adults and it takes about one year for them to reach adulthood after they hatch. Males mature a little faster and live about one year.) Then, I made this website to sell my mantises and I’m hoping share my experience with other people like you.

One of our beautiful and very curious Panther mantids. Just look at those eyes!
Mantis Universe breeds and raises exotic praying mantis species. We are located in Southern California, and ship within the USA only.
We want to give our customers a wide variety of exotic mantises to buy and keep as interesting low maintenance pets.
** DISCLAIMER. PLEASE BE ADVISED. Praying mantids are NOT to ever be released outside of your home or introduced in the wild. Doing so is against US Federal Law and illegal. They must be 100% contained in an indoor environment and again, never ever released outside.