Remember, ideal shipping temps are 50-85 degrees the day of delivery. Please check your weather and plan accordingly.
We offer Live Arrival Guarantee with $50 Priority Express shipping option only. We ship on Mondays only!
We ship mantids on Mondays ONLY.
All orders placed up until 12pm PST Saturday will normally be shipped on Monday unless there is an issue with your order. If you place an order after 12pm PST on Saturday, your mantis will be shipped the Monday of the following week. We will only ship mantids to destinations with daytime temperatures between 50-85 degrees. This means that if your destination is below 50 degrees on or around expected delivery day, we will not ship. If your destination is above 85 degrees on or around expected delivery day, we will not ship. Please be aware of your weather and temps for the week your mantis will ship. It is your responsibility to be aware of your local temps on or around expected delivery day. If you place an order and we deem your local temps are too high or too low, we will hold your mantis until the temps in your area fall between 50-85 degrees. Mantis Universe reserves the right to hold your mantis until temps fall within this range.
The order cut off time is 12pm PST Saturday if you want your mantis to ship on Monday.
Praying Mantis for sale